Feel Uninspired? 9 Social Media Content Ideas You Should Try

Social Media, Social Media Content, Content Promotion

Social media is one of the most powerful ways of marketing your brand, business, or product. There are a variety of high traffic social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Posting on a daily basis can potentially boost the number of loyal followers and skyrocket your sales. However, if you’re running dry of Social Media Content Ideas then it can do more harm

Twitter Marketing: Why It Is More than Retweet & Building Followers

Twitter Marketing

Many people believe that Twitter marketing is all about retweets and followers. But the truth is – it’s way beyond that. Recently, I was working on a marketing project for a client. The marketing plan which I suggested to him had Twitter marketing in it. Although the client had his own business Twitter account, I decided to run an experiment by mixing tweets from my

How to Create Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing is the new unbeatable marketing weapon that has the power to viral any business online in no time. Whether it’s a small business (selling toothpick) or a big brand (Coca-Cola, Apple, or Samsung), everyone is using social media for their own good. No one wants to be left behind in the race with their competitors. That’s the reason they are not afraid