Types Of Content Writing Services In Which You Can Make Your Career

Are you in that stage of your life when you need to choose a career for yourself?

Are you good in communication and writing?

Are you interested in making your career in writing?

If you have good skills of writing, you can opt your career as a content writer. Once you become professional in content writing, you can join many reputed organizations to give your services as a content writer. To become an excellent writer, you must know many things about content writing. You must have all the knowledge about this profession. One of the most basic things you should be aware of this profession is that there are different types of content writing services.

I am going to explain different type of content writing so that you can understand the importance of each type.

Content Writing for SEO

Content writing plays a vital role in digital marketing and search engine optimization. Big MNCs from different countries like Australia, the UK, and the USA give outsource work to different countries, especially in India. Hence there is a great scope of the market of digital marketing and SEO in India and other nations. The content writing team does write SEO optimize write articles, product descriptions, and blog writing.

In all these types of contents, relevant keywords are used by the writer. SEO experts’ writers and professionals find the best relevant keywords before the start on any topic.

One most important thing SEO writers take minimum grammatical mistakes and give 100% unique content.

The SEO writers develop content in a precise and lucid way. They divide content into small paragraphs with attractive heading and subheadings. If you are an SEO content writer, you should have the ability to deliver work within a stipulated period, so that you can satisfy your client.

Research and Report Writing

There are many agencies like newspaper who wants to write a report on a research basis. These reports are made for a very long time, and these companies want very high-quality content.

Writers who are writing this type of content need to write according to the current trend, and that can attract the public. As a report writer, you must have the capability to face challenges regarding subjects and deadline being given by the client.

Technical Writing

This type of content writers needed in professional work like software and hardware, robotics, aeronautical, science, and medical fields like biotechnology, botany, etc.

Technical content writers develop content for the technical module, documentary, user manual, and literature and reports.

If you want to become a technical writer, you should have the capability to understand various technologies. The candidate can apply for a post of a technical writer in which he has knowledge of particular technology, in technical writing candidate can be given a preference In which field he has vast experience.

If you are energetic to learn new technology, then you can excel yourself in this technical writing profession.

Communication and Marketing Writing

Communication and marketing are one of the most challenging and rapidly growing writing these days.

The various services come under this writing like Social media content, ebooks, newsletters, articles and blogs, banners and flyers are some brochures that you write in this field.

Blogs, articles and SEO content writing are primary services in communication which has greater scope these days. The main target of marketing and communication is to attract the audience towards itself and draw customer for particular writing.

There is a need a lot of research work among the customer of business before starting to develop this content. This writer should communicate with the customer on a regular basis to make useful marketing content.

The main focus of writing developer to improve content writing and communication regularly. If you want to become a professional content writer in this field, you must have the capability of detail design and writing content and modern communication. Some people face challenges in this field that is creativity.

Publication Based and Editorial Writing

The writers of this field are professionals to writing books for universities, colleges and school, and all competitive books. The writers who are going to do this type of writing he must have good knowledge of college curriculum, school and universities they write this kind of content.

As online versions of EBooks are present in this modern era, editorial and publication writers now need to do their writing, updating and editing work on computers and laptops so that they can update easily this kind of content with the latest version of an operating system like Windows 10, Windows 8 and MAC OS.

Instructional design

The instructional design incorporates technical and publication writing. AS E-learning trend is growing along with that need of instruction designers is growing very fast. The main job of instructional designers to make the best quality of the instructional material.

If you want to become skilled in this field, then you must have the capability to create a storyboard, besides instruction material.

The three techniques in which instructional designers must surpass our knowledge of creating patience and character in developing bulk content.

Business writing

Business writing is mostly similar to the communication and marketing writing. If you become professional in business writing, then you must have the skill to write sale proposal, official emails, memos, concept paper, manual writing and request for proposal.

This type of content writing provides a great career scope for writers. This can be very helpful for you. If you are doing business writing for free time, you can also gain knowledge of business development and analysis. AS you gain experience in this after some years, you promote to a better position in the office you work.


Copywriting is one of the most interesting and valuable types of content writing services in digital marketing. In these days this is a very demanding job in the market. If you can think creatively, then you can become a successful person in copywriting.

As a copywriter, you have the capability to compose jingles that we hear in radio and television advertisements. As a copywriting, you develop punch lines that we hear on newspaper, billboards, flyers, banners, etc. as it is a part of your copywriting projects.

As a copywriter, you must have the ability to think of creative and innovative ideas and convert them into reality. There is no specialized training that can enhance creativity as copywriting. It is also a must for copywriters that he has sharp vocabulary while creating content.

So, what you are thinking? Grow yourself as a copywriting if you are a creative content thinker.

Feature writing

Feature writing is one of the most creative content writers in the content writing field. In feature writing includes writing a digital space, writing columns, short stories and poem feature on lifestyle, babies, food and so on.

It’s not a mandatory person should be a graduate in journalism if he wants to become a feature writer. The most important in feature writing is you should have the ability and develop stories around you. The one most important thing is that feature writers should be rich in vocabulary

In this kind of web content writing, separate blog in a various niche like travel, food, festival, etc. You can follow some tips while feature writing. The blog post should be attractive with headings and subheadings, language must be simple and paragraphs not too much longer. If you like to write blogs, you can become a very popular writer among potential readers.

14 thoughts on “Types Of Content Writing Services In Which You Can Make Your Career”

  1. I agree that content writing is huge these days. If you are a good writer there are so many avenues you can take and make a living online and even more so if you are good with SEO.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Sushant,

    My husband used to be a publication based and editorial writer. He used to write encyclopedias and many university books. Then he wrote books on health. Pretty interesting fellow!

    There are so many ways one can write and you have given such great ideas here.


  3. Interesting, thanks for the information. I would imagine a content writer is proficient in many different topics if they have to research different pieces, sounds like the job never gets boring.

    • Hi Sharon,
      Sometimes writing content can be boring, but only when we write content on a topic in which we are not interested.

  4. Hey Sushant, WOWSY! I really found your post to be very interesting! I guess I had no idea there were so many writing services..
    Great Share
    Thanks. Chery :))

  5. Hi Sushant,

    I liked the Business writing similar to communication and marketing writing. A lot of scope for business development and the creation of content, optimizing it for the search engines and also promoting it to your own audience. It is also that ” know like and trust” factor. Becoming known by your ideal customers by the publication of information that your ideal customer is searching for.
    Nice article.

  6. Hi,
    I tweeted your article. I also bookmarked your backlink about social media strategy. Thanks for these ideas. I may pursue writing sponsored posts more than I have.

  7. This is quite a thorough post pointing out different writing that can be hired out and that you can get hired for. I have worked in several of these industries.

    • Hi Elise,
      It looks like you are senior to me so, I would love to learn more tips about the same from you.

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