Importance Of 3D Printing Demos At Schools

3D printing has long become a reality and not only for the select few. Today desktop 3D printers are quite available and can be bought and used for individual purposes completely hassle-free. If you are looking for a 3D printer UK has many great options to offer, so there is absolutely no problem in getting a device online.

Especially if we are talking about schools. For us, grown-ups, 3D printing can be a fun way to kill a Tuesday afternoon, but for children, it’s much more meaningful and can be a great educational tool as well.

That’s why we urge schools to devise demo 3D printing lessons for their students.

Even if it’s a budget issue to buy a printer, you can always rent one from a local research lab, or from individuals in your community.

Let’s see why 3D Printing demos are so important and beneficial.

It will trigger their interest in STEM fields.

Now, naturally, this is not a straight cause-effect sequence. But the fact that they will see and experience how this device works first hand, might get them interested in finding out more.

Human curiosity is an interesting thing. Especially when it comes to children.

All you need is a spark and they will want to know more and more.

A 3D printing demo might just be what you need to demonstrate how cool science can actually be, what goes into creating such a device, and what we can use it for. Actually, despite the fact that science is the root of technical progress, many children don’t really tie the two together.

The physics or math course at school doesn’t link with the phone in their hand. There is no connection in the mind between those two.

Once we are able to make that link for them, they will be interested. But the sad fact is, our school program fails to be interesting. 3D printing can surely be a contributing factor for making the lesson more exciting and educational.

Creating 3D models.

This is more of a continuation of the first point, but still important to note separately. While engineering and sciences are great, 3D printing can also stimulate the kids to find out more about how 3D models are actually created.

Needless to say, that will trigger their creative thinking and imagination. It’s one thing to know theoretically how it works, but seeing it in real life is completely different.

Unfortunately, the lesson on the importance of independent and creative thinking is not something we teach our kids at schools these days.

But 3D printing gives them a small peek into how fun it is to create different models and see your imagination come to life. Plus, 3D design is not only fun but also requires quite a bit of skill, which means that it can become their source of income one day. Learning this skill from a young age can give today’s kids a great advantage in the future.

A lesson about the future.

Children today don’t imagine their life without modern technology. They don’t remember rotary phones or dial-up internet. They were born in times when technology takes giant leaps every few years.

3D printing is a great visual of how fast tech progress can actually get and how they can make their contribution. Additive manufacturing is a relatively new beginning and so much remains to be done. And today’s kids are the ones to do it.

They need to realize that and take part in the progress rather than sit on the sidelines and watch it go by. Naturally, not everyone has inclinations towards STEM or design, and that’s ok. At least we can teach our kids to be mindful users, and understand the basic principles of the devices available. Knowledge is power!

Countless opportunities.

Having a 3D printer at your school can have many advantages both for the students and for the staff.

The kids can create items not only for their own needs but for the school as well. And the older students can teach the younger ones how to print, so everyone wins. Incorporating kids into school life is a key component of raising socially aware and mindful adults.

If you see a younger kid struggling, don’t just walk by, thinking its none of your business. Try to help. Maybe they need help with their studies, or maybe there is something personal on their mind.

What if your school needs help with a fundraiser, or needs new hangers in the locker rooms? Why shouldn’t you be the one to help make that happen?

Many schools across the world are grossly underfunded and need financial help with pretty much everything. That means that the children and the teachers have to work together in order to make things happen.

Demo lessons don’t register as ‘learning’.

This is a fun fact, but as demo lessons are more fun, kids don’t even see them as ‘learning’, and don’t even start having their ‘allergic reaction’ to it. When kids hear about learning they basically imagine something boring as hell.

We don’t want to point fingers at anyone, but the general educational system in our country doesn’t really scream ‘FUN’. So a demo lesson is a great way to rip the kids out of the endless cycle of question-answer type lessons and give them a chance to do something fun for a change without them even realizing how much they have actually learned.

Learning shouldn’t be torture. Now, naturally, you can’t get all the kids interested in the same stuff.

But teachers have to make it their goal to discover what the kids are truly interested in and push them to pursue that, giving them skills and knowledge along the way.

If we make the learning less tortuous for the kids, imagine how many eyes will light up and actually strive to know things about the world around them.

How can we do that?

The first step is offering them to see their theoretical knowledge in action. Without a demo, it remains free-floating information that is not tied to anything, so once the exams go by, it flies right out the ears! One information is tied to an action, or an emotion, like excitement, it stays for years to come and can be used when needed.


3-d printing can open doors for new opportunities in the education system. All we need are teachers who are willing to take their students through this journey and show them how fun it can be to learn more about the 3D printing process, materials, and the whole creative underside of it.

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