Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin Review

If you are thinking why do you need a coming soon or maintenance mode WordPress plugin for your website at all?

Do you like to eat half cooked food?

Well, no one does, and it’s pretty much obvious. Creating websites are easy but it takes a lot to gain that credibility from your readers. Assume, you get a domain and hosting and eventually install WordPress on it.

Apparently, start creating content for your website and publishing the blog post one by one. But do you think it would make sense promoting those at the same time makes sense? Do you think there is any reason why do your readers would love the website which is not well presented?

It’s observed that many website owners customizing their website, playing with codes to make it appear the best to their your readers but without having a coming soon page. I believe that the first impression would matter a lot, so one should be very wise.

But while adding features to the website, there are always chances the website to look ugly, cluttered and even broke. And if your reader sees’s your website, that could be a disaster for your brand new WordPress site.

We all create plenty of websites for yourself and probably for the clients as well. Adding a maintenance mode would make sense in that scenario. Here we are about to introduce a coming soon page a free Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin.

Although it is available for free in the WordPress repository. But if you are looking for a maintenance mode plugin with overloaded features then you can get the premium version from the Coming Soon WP official website.

Don’t believe a maintenance mode plugin with tons of features? Check out a few which makes it awesome.

Few Highlighted features of Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin

Maintenance Mode Themes

coming soon themes

Having a wide range of coming soon templates could be always a huge advantage. Obviously, even the website is in maintenance mode it should appear great. 60+ themes are included into this to choose from this plugin.

Predefined themes are always a big help if you would like to put the website mode instantly.

Layout Design


Despite having a huge number of default themes which can be easily installed. This maintenance mode plugin also offers you to design the layout the way you want. Drag and drop feature with almost 10 modules makes it easier.

Probably not that advanced as the normal website builders to stunning websites, but good enough features like positioning the content, sections, spaces etc to create an awesome coming soon page. And apart from that, the content width can also be defined in the pixels.

  • Adding Logo
  • Transparent Backgrounds
  • Adding Videos
  • Maps
  • Subscription Forms
  • Instagram Filter and more.

Easy Configuration

As the plugin developer might have understood the urge of incorporation the coming soon page sooner as possible, they made the setup easier as possible with just a click of the button. Rest can be done later.

Well Inbuilt SEO Setup

coming soon seo

This is pretty much rare amongst the Maintenance mode plugin. While your new website is in Maintenance mode, it will show the same status in the Google Snippet as well. Agreed?

So, how about showing the way you want to, instead of the default which might look ugly.

A good website should appear good. Here I meant with adding Decent Title, Meta Descriptions and more. For an idea, I would say similar to Yoast SEO Plugin. But to an addition, the SEO section in maintenance mode offers more to it.

For instance, you can stop Google to crawl your website, tracking the traffic by inserting Google Analytics tracking ID as well. Along with the SEO features, you can also do social network integrations.

Content Animations

Even if your website is in maintenance mode, but don’t you think showing a great page, as the first impression matters a lot.

How about adding some decent animation to the coming soon page. Fortunately, this coming soon and Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin offers a wide range of cool animation to choose from.

So, you have the option to choose the right one from more than 47 content animations.

Accessible to Clients

coming soon access

While you are working on the backend of the site and putting the website into maintenance mode on to avoid the user to have a glance of it.

But, how about the clients, for whom you are creating it for, what if you want to show them the progress of the website on their request.

This amazing plugin has the option to share the website with them by providing access to them while no one else could see it.

Sounds cool? isn’t it? Certainly, this is one of the coolest addition I found in this maintenance mode plugin.

Collect Email Easily

While you are creating a brand out of there in social media for your website. And entertaining your readers with the coming soon page, would you like your maintenance mode plugin to create emails from the users.

You can create a signup form for your page and start creating a huge list of email for marketing going forward while you are working in the back end.

It has an autoresponder feature too, so all you need to configure your email service provider in the maintenance mode plugin area and you are good to go. The plugin will start collecting and interacting with your prospects.


Coming Soon WordPress plugin Pricing

Heard a lot, and sounded to be a cool Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin. But what would this cost me?

This is a question could come, after going through any review, not to worry at all, the price is not disappointing at all. It starts right from $19 per year.

Sounds quite decent and affordable despite being incorporated with tons of features. And this WordPress plugin comes with lifetime access as well at just $69 only. This is perfectly suitable for the pro bloggers and the freelancers who create several sites all the time.

Final Words on Coming Soon, Maintenance Mode WordPress Plugin 

If it’s a new blog or website, then giving a heads up and keeping the readers updated about your website launch would always be a fab idea.

It’s all about the proper branding and credibility. Even, its completely going to make sense of the established blogs to show a maintenance mode page and let the viewers know the status.

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