6 Unique Ways Business Owners Can Collect Valuable Customer Data

In a recent study, nearly 65 percent of the marketing executives polled claimed that data-driven marketing was a key component of their company’s success. There is no denying that when used correctly, data can help businesses reach more customers.

Newcomers to the world of customer data often have questions like, how do I collect data or what do I do with the Customer data once it has been collected? The answers to these questions aren’t as cut and dry as you may think.

While most business owners i.e llc in texas see the benefits of using programs like Papertrail to keep track of errors in their app-based technology, they aren’t as enthusiastic about investing in comprehensive data collection methods.

Read below to find out about some of the unique ways you can collect data from customers and use it to drive your company into the future.

6 Ways to Collect Valuable Consumer Data

1. Website Cookies Are Essential 

For most businesses, having a functional and appealing website is a must. Once you have your company website in place, you need to think about how you can collect data from the people who visit it.

One of the best ways to do this is by having visitors accept cookies in their browser. The information from these cookies can help you figure out what pages visitors are looking at and where they are from.

The data collected via these cookies can be used to optimize your landing pages and other vital aspects of the website. Cookies also allow users to stay logged into your website, which increases the convenience factor you offer consumers.

2. The Use of Signal Trackers if Becoming Widespread

Are you the owner of a retail establishment? Businesses that have brick and mortar stores will have to get crafty when it comes to collecting customer data.

In the last few years, businesses are started to use cell phone signal trackers to help them find out what consumers are drawn to.

These signal trackers can show business owners more about a customer’s journey throughout their store.

Seeing what sections of the store consumers are drawn to can help you optimize the layout of your retail establishment.

3. Heatmaps can Provide Lots of Useful Information 

Optimizing the content and layout of your business website is an essential part of success.

For years, business owners have used heat mapping software to give them more insight into consumer behaviours.

Most website landing pages will feature calls to action. A call to action is designed to make a consumer take action.

With heat mapping software, you can see just how many clicks the links within your calls to action are getting. If the clicks are low, chances are you need to retool the calls to action on your website so they are more enticing and persuasive.

Heat mapping software also allows you to break up the data received into sections based on things like time of day and which page is being monitored.

By separating out the data you receive from this software, you can get a real glimpse into what parts of your website are working.

4. Take Advantage of GPS Tracking

big data

Most consumers fail to realize that each time they check in on social media or download an app, their location is stored. Businesses that use GPS tracking data are able to target their promotions and interactions with consumers.

Knowing where the bulk of your audience is located will allow you to hone in on an effective marketing strategy. Before you begin to collect this type of data, be sure to inform your customers.

Letting people know up front that their location is being recorded can reduce any issues in the future regarding the transparency of your company.

5. Utilize the Power of In-Store WiFi

For most cell phone users, having free WiFi is the modern-day equivalent of finding gold. In most cases, people will give up a bit of personal information in exchange for access to the WiFi signal in your retail establishment.

Getting links to customer’s social media profiles or their email address can be very valuable. Having a list of email addresses will allow you to launch effective marketing campaigns in the future.

The best part about using these emails during a marketing campaign is that you already know the people who receive these messages are interested in your products or services.

6. The Power of Loyalty Programs 

Offering loyalty programs can also help you collect lots of useful data.

Not only do these programs benefit you and your quest for more data, but it also offers customers lots of deals in exchange for their patronage.

When developing these loyalty programs, you need to reach out to customers to find out what type of rewards they want.

Getting this type of feedback can help you avoid mistakes and will also help to make your loyalty program more successful.

Working with data collection professionals is a great idea. These professionals can help you put the technology in place to make the most out of the data you collect.

Image Credit – Pixabay

1 thought on “6 Unique Ways Business Owners Can Collect Valuable Customer Data”

  1. Hi
    Great post as always. Customer’s data can really boost your business if you used it correctly. With the help of customers’ data you can make your strategies for your business in a right way. There are lots of benefits of having customers’ data for your business.

    You have listed different ways to collect valuable customer’s data in this post and that’s great. Indeed, glad to read this post.

    Thanks for sharing this post.

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