“Develop your personal brand!”, this phrase is something Millennials are hearing too often nowadays. And with this, comes advice like, don’t post anything inappropriate, once it’s on the web, it will stay there forever, etc.
But the reason why not many of them pay heed to this advice is because they know what they should do in theory but when it comes to practicing it successfully, they are clueless.
So let’s come to our main platform of discussion!
Are 140 characters enough to build your personal brand?
Yes, on Twitter!
During my professional career, I have met many people who have no idea how to use Twitter! Either they are too cautious and dry or they were too personal and oversharing.
A great personal brand can be built by finding the perfect balance between professional and personal. And guys, this is not as difficult as it seems.
Table of Contents
Guide to building your personal brand on Twitter.
1. Select the Twitter handle carefully
This is the first and most important step that makes a huge difference in how seriously your audience is going to take you!
Even if you are a great comic book fan or chef, Twitter handles like @GimmeComics000 or @cooking4life won’t do. However, if you are a chef or own a cooking blog, Handles like @MarkTheChef will be more effective. It is straightforward yet easily memorable. Yes, adding humor works on Twitter but again, you can’t have handle of a middle schooler.
Additionally, you can also use your blog or website URL as a Twitter handle, just like Ann Handley has done.
Courtesy: twitter.com/annhandley/
Now, if you don’t have a blog, you can simply choose your name as your Twitter handle. This is the simplest and most obvious way for people to find you.
Moreover, although one can change its Twitter handle whenever he/she wants, it is advisable to not do so. It takes time to build a brand and once people get habitual of your handle, changing it will be more stressful.
And a solid personal brand is one that is consistent, recognizable and includes a username.
2. Sharpen your profile with an effective bio:
Although looks basic, can make a big impact on your Twitter profile taking it from a zero to a hero. Just like when you meet someone important, you wear your best dress to make a lasting impression, while greeting your Twitter audience, make sure to dress up your Twitter profile with an amazing bio. It will make a huge impact on your audience.
The first part may sound basic (and it is!), however, sharpening your profile can help take you from zero to hero.
Think of it like dressing up. It gives the impression of who you are. Your bio is going to be the first thing people will see while deciding whether to follow you or not.
You like it or not, they are going to judge you based on your Twitter bio. And you have just 160 characters to make or break the deal here. Your bio has to be convincing, every letter used in your bio should count. Below are some tips:
- Mention the name of your employer
- Show what you do or what you believe
- Be witty, add humor too
- Add keywords
- Avoid using buzzwords like marketing ninja, lean entrepreneur
- Add links to your blog or website or other important pages
Below is one of the best Twitter profile I have ever come across. It has everything, I would like to see in a Twitter bio.
Courtesy: twitter.com/barrettall/
3. Choose your brand imaging carefully:
Guys, never forget that your Twitter profile is like your online business card. People would like to see who you are (not a funny pose by your pet cat). While making your profile effective, your profile picture and header picture also tells a story.
For a profile picture, you can go with a decent professional picture, a selfie or funny photoshoot-style picture but make sure it shows your face. Keep changing it time to time, and ensure that it is not a group picture.
But when we talk about the header image, you can either go with a promotional image or a simple one. Let’s see how.
Promotional: If you are promoting something, this is the best place to do that. You can also promote your company or blog for which you are working.
Additionally, you can also promote some launch or event, you are a speaker at. Not all of your followers will be able to see your Tweet but adding it as header pic will keep them updated. You can easily create Twitter header within minutes using many online tools.
Simple: Here you can choose any of the simple pictures of yours. Because branding is not always about promoting yourself in every single thing. If you are just starting out, a simple photo also will do.
Canva has amazing header picture that supports its brand. It encourages non-designers to become creative and thus encourages potential customers to use their product.
Courtesy: twitter.com/canva
4. Be Active or Consistent:
Think of it like work out. The more regular you are, the quicker you will start noticing the results. Especially if you are a beginner, you must spend time connecting as well as engaging with your fellow Twitteratis. Don’t miss out even for a day. Post regularly and multiple times a day.
If you already have a decent following, spend 20-30 minutes daily to maintain your relationship. You can use scheduling tools to be more productive. If your profile remains inactive for days, people will soon start unfollowing you.
This is my personal experience guys. Being active will make a huge difference to your Twitter profile. Set a routine and stick to it. For me, whenever a write an article, I move to my Twitter profile to engage with my followers.
5. Follow your Industry leaders:
Have you heard of the saying- It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
On Twitter, create a list of your industry leaders and follow them. Respond to their tweets, retweet them or sometimes just even say hello.
Additionally, you can go one step further by following them on other social media networks too. This will help you to use some of their personal posts as the conversation starter here.
6. Participate in Twitter chats:
Twitter chats are must for you to join as this is the place where you meet the best people to engage with. People you meet during Twitter chats are active and sincere.
Also, they love to have other people joining their community and many would even ask you too. Join them and you will find great help but first, add some value. Some of the valuable Twitter chats you should join are #Twittersmarter, #CustServ, #MediaChat, etc.
Do you know if you keep adding value, you can also be invited to be the guest on Twitter chat which instantly boosts your credibility?
7. Follow fellow active people:
This is the best trick to increase your Twitter following. The trick is an evergreen one that still works effectively. Start following people who share the same interests as you, also send them a quick hello or retweet them, soon they will also start following you.
8. Lastly, BRAG a bit:
Got featured in an article? Show your followers!
Invited as a speaker in an event? Show your followers!
Even though you don’t feel like showing off, it is just to showcase your achievements in order to make your profile effective.
But again, don’t forget to be authentic. Be who you are, impress people with your personality and you will create loyal fans.
Additional Resources:-
Twitter Marketing: Why It Is More than Retweet & Building Followers
10 Best Automated Twitter Unfollow Tools
Twitter is a great platform to establish yourself as a brand and get more exposure.
Staying consistent and crazy is probably the most important tips to become popular on Twitter.
One tip I’d like to add is, “Don’t always share only your articles but try to share others as much as possible. In fact, follow 80-20 rule”
Thanks for this guide, Prince.
Thanks so much for these tips! As an artist, I really enjoy sharing my work on Twitter. I’ll make sure to apply these!
I find Twitter very complicated to promote on. I am mainly interested in using the platform for social signals, and your post makes me realize that I have to become more active on the social media platform. Especially the ‘be active and consistent’ part is something I need to work on. Thanks for the great tips!
Love all the tips! It is really helpful advice especially if you‘re new to the whole blogging industry like me 😉
Thank you for sharing that! I will implement some of those techniques into my social media strategy
Thanks for the helpful tips.
Great post packed with lots of great tips – I’ll be bookmarking this for reference. Thank you!
Very good information you have. Getting things organized is the thing with me – so that I’m in “to do” mode. Thanks for a great post!
Such a helpful post! I feel like my Twitter needs an overhaul. I shall be using your post and the example accounts as guide. Thanks!
Twitter is such a great way to build a brand for your business. We’re definitely trying harder to add some personality into our social media content so all of our posts aren’t just the same as every other marketing agency!
Hello Prince,
Amazing tips. Spot on.
I always say to pay attention to your Twitter picture, cover, and bio.
People need some evidence to connect with you. Things of that nature help them get closer to you. When you engage with them by doing certain things like tweet consistently or participate in the chats, it boosts up everything you want to do with the platform.
Great piece of content.
All the best.
Prince, Twitter is my all time favorite social network. I’ve met many great people on there and connected with them in person too. It’s all about engagement. Many people STILL do not understand that.
It is not about PUSHING your content out there day after day. It’s helping others, connecting with others and meeting new connections.
It’s a little easier for some now with the 280 word count available. I still prefer the short and sweetness of Twitter myself though.
Great tips on the bio – those are so important as people do look at your bio before deciding whether or not to follow you.
Have a great day!